The Waxing Gibbous Mango Suck is an ongoing interdisciplinary project centered on the idea that eco-eroticism can act as a restorative and protective balm and as one of many methods for revolution. It began with a series of research driven textile sketches, woven on the TC2 loom, investigating a piece of Renaissance tableware called an Adder’s Tongue Credenza and my erotically charged responses to this object research. The project includes a performance ritual where a group of Bay Area based Queer identified people gathered to inhabit their senses, to play, to connect, and to imbue the seeds of mangos with the power of pleasure magic. The seeds were transformed into slip cast molded ceramic amulets that sit in a nest at the foot of a handwoven textile. And video documentation of this ritual became the basis for a piece that combines projection onto a handwoven screen and an experimental soundscape.